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House of Malt Offers

Check out the Latest Offers at House of Malt!

Right now at House of Malt, save on their Limited Time Special Offers across a whole range of stunning drinks. But hurry, stock will run out!

You'll find discounted Whiskies, Gins, Vodka as well as wine and Champagne. From Ardbeg 10 Year Old to Glenfiddich Fire and Cane. Find the best drops in the world at this family run business. Whatever you're in the mood sipping, find your perfect match at House of Malt!

Shop offers today! >
by Erin Tynan,
  • Free delivery on all orders over £90 with a courier delivery service covers the whole of the UK
  • Next day delivery is also available is orders are placed before 3pm
Orders are shipped directly from their depot to your door Monday-Friday excluding local holidays. Delivery insurance is included within the delivery fee, you can order safe in the knowledge your parcel is fully protected.
by Erin Tynan,
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House of Malt Drinks