Minimum spend:
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How to use this voucher: Follow this link, and click 'redeem voucher'. Once the voucher has been added to your account, you can then navigate to the wine/wines you're interested in.
Voucher Terms & Conditions:
Please allow between 1-3 working days for delivery after placing your order, however 85% of orders are currently arriving next working day when placed before 4pm. You must be over 18 to purchase alcohol. New customers only. This offer is only valid if you try Virgin Wines’ WineBank and buy at least a 12-bottle case of wine worth £134.88 or more. Your default monthly payment is £25 which you can change on their website. There’s no obligation to buy any more wine. You can cancel your WineBank membership at any time and withdraw any funds you’ve added. You can’t exchange it for cash. Images for illustration purposes. A voucher fair usage policy applies, please visit