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Pale Ale Offers

Compare current prices of various Pale Ales. Use quick links below to find the right type of ale for you. Search for vouchers, awards and reviews to make the best purchase. Look at new offers and receive Price Alerts if you want us to notify you when your favourite pale ale goes on sale.

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Find the Best Prices of Pale Ale

Case price from: £6.55
Per item: £6.55
Camden Pale Ale 4x330ml
Case price from: £18.20
Per item: £18.20 £10.00
Save 45%
Camden Town Pale Ale 12x330ml
Case price from: £8.50
Per item: £8.50
Beyond Belief Pasta Pale Ale
Case price from: £6.50
Per item: £6.50
M&S American Pale Ale
Case price from: £2.85
Per item: £2.85
Sharp's Atlantic Pale Ale
Case price from: £2.90
Per item: £2.90
Outland Ginger Pale Ale
Case price from: £2.15
Per item: £2.15
Whitstable Bay Pale Ale
Case price from: £7.20
Per item: £7.20 £5.75
Save 20%
Brixton Brewery Atlantic American Pale Ale
Case price from: £2.25
Per item: £2.25
Empress Pale Ale
Case price from: £2.05
Per item: £2.05
Coopers Original Pale Ale
Case price from: £1.70
Per item: £1.70
M&S Low Alcohol Pale Ale
Case price from: £2.20
Per item: £2.20
Two Tribes Dream Factory Pale Ale
Case price from: £2.10
Per item: £2.10
St Austell Tribute Pale Ale
Case price from: £1.80
Per item: £1.80
Big Drop Low Alcohol Pale Ale
Case price from: £1.80
Per item: £1.80
Days Pale Ale
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How is Pale Ale made?

Barley in a bag for pale ale malt

In the most basic sense, pale ale means ale brewed from pale malt. The term was born around 1703 for lightly hopped beers made from malts dried over coke, and it meant both pale ale and bitter. Dry heat from cleaner carbon resulted in less smoky, lightly roasted malt and hence produced a paler beer. Nowadays, pale malt is the cheapest available in mass production.

English pale ale is brewed to maintain good balance between malty sweetness and hop bitterness. The taste is robust, fruity and nutty, with butterscotch aromas and golden colour. This type of beer is very popular, as it caters to many tastes and fits into most social situations easily, enjoyed with food or on its own.

American pale ale has a slightly different character, due to a more generous use of American hops, giving out their famous citrussy, pine or fruity aromas.