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Angela Mount

Angela Mount
  • Senior judge at all major wine competitions
  • Had her taste buds insured for £10 million by her former employers Somerfield!
  • Regular contributor to Daily Mail, Harpers Wine Magazine and many more publications.

Angela Mount is a wine expert, writer, and presenter, and is also responsible for the the range selection for online wine retailer She famously had her taste buds insured for £10 million by her former employers Somerfield.

Angela is highly experienced in the wine industry and is widely credited with revolutionising wine on the high street, making quality wine accessible to the millions of wine consumers who shop in supermarkets. Known for her tasting skills and ability to find just the right product for her customers, she is also focused and skilled on getting the message across with passion, and with a no-nonsense approach.

Angela has unparalleled experience in the wine retail industry, having headed up the wine buying team at Somerfield stores and chaired multiple tasting panels

She is a senior judge at all the major wine competitions, including International Wine Challenge, Decanter, and the International Wine & Spirit Competition. In 2012, she also joined the judging panel of the newly – launched What Food What Wine competition.

Angela is also a food and restaurant reviewer, and chairs the judging panel for the highly successful Bath Good Food Awards, and the Bristol Good Food Awards.

She is known for her food and wine pairing skills, and has worked with many top chefs, and top London restaurants on matching wine to various cuisines.

Angela is a regular wine contributor to the Daily Mail and various trade publications, such as Harpers wine & spirit; she is also the wine writer for Flavour Magazine, and the Bath Magazine, as well as writing a food and wine matching column for Crumbs magazine. She writes regular wine of the week features for guide2Bath and guide2Bristol, and is a regular restaurant reviewer for Flavour Magazine. Angela also presents and speaks at many trade and wine business conferences and seminars.

Find out more about her here.

by Angela Mount,

Angela's Latest Articles

The Ultimate Guide To Wine For Your Wedding
Choosing the right wines for your wedding can be one of the more stressful items on the wedding ‘to do’ list; generally the happy couple have a good idea about venue, food, and theme, but, frequently, the organisation comes to a stuttering halt, when the subject of the wine comes up. I say this with the experience of years of practice, with friends calling to ask advice for the planning of their big day. In fact, this has happened to me very recently; my stepson is marrying, a lovely, highly…
Angela Mount's Top Wines For Winter Parties
The Big Day is days away; in most households, presents are sorted, the turkey is ordered, along with all the trimmings and the Christmas pudding. However, according to research, wine is left to the last minute, and often results in last minute Christmas Eve dashes to supermarkets and wine merchants. But what to choose? Here are a few ideas to make decision making easier... NB: Angela Mount bases her wine scores on quality of wine linked to value for money. Waitrose consistently deliver across…
A Guide To The Wines Of Bordeaux
Whilst Bordeaux is classified as a single region, in the broadest sense of the appellation, it is an area of great contrasts, both in terms of landscape, microclimates, and especially wine styles. Dominated by the two main rivers, the Gironde and the Garonne, which naturally divide the region, Bordeaux has numerous sub-regions, each of which produces wines of unique character, style and individuality. In very broad terms, the region is divided into Right Bank, Left Bank, and ‘in-between’, the…
New Discoveries From Asda By Angela Mount
However great the wine inside the bottle, there are far too many wines on the supermarket shelves which look mundane, anonymous, and quite frankly, boring. I’ve seen too many people gaze, with glazed eyes at the multitude of wines on display, looking for clues and not getting many, from the wall of bland, ‘samey’ labels that stare back at them. It’s almost better to have the most ghastly, garish label on your wine, because at least it will stand out from the crowd! I’m not advocating that in the…
Angela Mount's Top 10 Wines From Tesco's Spring Tasting
We saw a fine turnout of wines at the recent Tesco Spring Press tasting, where they showcased wines for the coming summer season. The buyers and product selectors remain committed to snapping up the best wines for their FINEST range; I tasted new vintages of previous favourites and also found some new discoveries – here are my top ten: I’ve written numerous times about Tesco’s Finest Prosecco and Finest Pignoletto; here’s a new one. Blanquette de Limoux is a perky, breezy fizz from southern…
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