A fine craft lager of inimitable style, Alhambra Reserva 1925 is a rare gem from Spain’s most respected brewery.
Established in 1925, Cervezas Alhambra uses pure Sierra Nevada Mountain water and local cereals to fashion a beer that is delicate in texture while bold in flavour.
Rich, nutty maltiness is backed with notes of tropical fruits and a clean mineral edge, full-bodied and lively with an intensity that that distinguishes it from your average lager.
Alhambra’s long brewing history is captured in their sleek green glass bottle design, the perfect hint as to the quality that lies within.
Don’t need a whole case right now? Pick up a single bottle of Alhambra Reserva.
Perfect Serve – Fill a large ice bucket with Alhambra Reserva 1925 to keep the crowds happy at your next hosting event.